
10 Things I Wish I Had Known About Blogging When I First Started



In today’s 100th episode of the ProBlogger podcast, I take a retrospective walk down the lane of memories from my last 13 1/2 years blogging.

I’ve learned some pretty huge lessons along the way, and back when I started blogging in 2002 there were quite a few things I wish I’d known! I hope to share with you the top 10 things that might help you on your own blogging journey.

Mine began when I received an email containing four simple

Of course I did, and I was not only updated 2024 mobile phone number data intrigued by the blog itself, but blogging in general. What was it? Why was anyone doing it? Could I have a go at building a community around a blog even though I had zero experience and probably more important things to do?

updated 2024 mobile phone number data

In today’s episode, I’m going to talk about એથિકલ હેકિંગ ઈન્ટરનેટ પર દરેકની સુરક્ષા સુનિશ્ચિત કરે છે some important lessons, and identify ten things that I wish that I had known when I first started blogging in 2002.There was so much to learn: blog design, promotion, making money… I learned a lot by reaching out to others and asking those who had gone before.

When it came time to make some money to be able to afford my new blogging addiction, I went from a few dollars a week to a full time income, which I did in 2004, just two years after I started.

So all the way back then, these are the things I wish I’d known.

Thank you for riding along not only on the podcast journey, but on my blog journey, too.

Further Reading:

  • Episode 64: Content Marketing – Secrets From an Entrepreneur Who Has Used It to Build a Successful Business
  • Episode 37: How to Grow Traffic to uae phone number Your Blog Through Guest Posting and Creating Content for Other Blogs, Forums, Media and Events
  • Episode 67: Why You Should Create a Product to Sell On Your Blog (and Tips on How to Do It)
  • Beginner Week: We Asked Veteran Bloggers to Reflect on Mistakes Made in Their Early Days
  • Talk at World Domination Summit in Portland Oregon –  Paying Attention to Sparks.
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