What to look for when purchasing links

You can buy them from the owners of donor sites. By contacting them directly, you can negotiate a better price and individual placement conditions. The second way to buy backlinks is through specialized exchanges.

The cost of permanent links depends on several factors: the authority of the donor, the site’s traffic, its subject matter and age. High-quality sites with high indicators usually set higher prices, but the effect of such backlinks is also much higher.


These are special platforms created so special database that those wishing to purchase links could contact website owners who are ready to place them on their web resource. Exchanges act as guarantors of the transaction, protecting buyers from fraud and monitoring the quality of donor websites. However, the price of a permanent link purchased on an exchange may be higher than when buying directly from the seller.

What to look for when purchasing links

special database


If you decide to use permanent links to promote your website, it is important to approach this process responsibly and pay attention to several key factors.


Donor Authority

First of all, evaluate the quality indicators la principale raison pour laquelle la plupart des of donor sites. Check the site quality index (SQI), trust, and Domain Rating. For example, for commercial projects, it is better to choose donors with SQI from 100 and DR above 30. Pay attention to the organic traffic of the site: the higher it is, the more valuable the link. It is also important to check whether the donor site is indexed in search engines and whether there are any sanctions on it. Use tools like Ahrefs or Serpstat to analyze the history of the domain.

Naturalness of the profile

The link profile should look as natural aqb directory as possible. Avoid a sharp increase in link mass — this may arouse suspicion in search engines. Use branded, low-frequency queries and anchorless links in a proportion of approximately 40–30–30%. For example, when promoting a clothing store, alternate anchors like “buy a jacket in Kyiv,” “Zara trench coat,” “more details,” “read more,” etc.

Uniqueness of materials

The content in which the link is placed must be completely unique and relevant to the topic of your site. Avoid clearly advertising texts – search engines easily recognize them. The optimal volume of an article is from 2000 characters, and the link must be organically integrated into the content. Make sure that there is no excess of external links on the page (optimally – up to 3-5 per page). Otherwise, the weight of the backlink may be insufficient.

Provider stability

When choosing a platform for placement, make sure it is stable. Check the age of the domain (preferably from 2 years), look at the history of content updates, evaluate the regularity of publications. It is also important to analyze the technical condition of the site: loading speed, correct operation of all sections, absence of viruses, etc. In addition, we recommend making sure that the web resource has not changed its subject matter and owners too often.

Let’s sum it up

Understanding how to work with permanent links will allow you to get many benefits. This is a long-term investment in SEO promotion of your site. But remember: it is better to acquire fewer backlinks, but from higher-quality sites, than to chase quantity at the expense of quality.

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