5 tecniche di raccolta fondi che ho imparato quando ho raccolto 1 milione di dollari nel mio round iniziale

The lockdown buzz is. It started right after my sister lou. And I launched so syncd .a dating app that matches compatible myers-briggs personality types. Starting a business is a big deal. Let alone launching a dating app. During a global pandemic. With no choice. But to wait and see how. the pandemic would. Impact the way people. Used dating apps. We saw our active users increase. By 45% just heading into lockdown. Apparently, people wanted. More than ever, meaningful connections. In such an uncertain and lonely time. Plus. I’m proud to say that we recently.

The silver lining of lockdown for us was

that we could focus on So Syncd with very few distractions. While we both had full-time jobs during the day, it was easy to focus our full attention on the app in the evenings and weekends, that is, until we could. Fundraising is a full-time job. If you ask any founder, they will tell you that there comes a point where you simply can’t do it all, even taking into account your already non-existent social life. There was a definitive moment that was the turning point, but things continued to pile up. With full-time 9-5 jobs, we simply didn’t have the time we needed – and wanted – to talk to and listen to our customers, manage the technical team on a daily basis, or think about a strategic marketing and PR plan.

Before you take the plunge

take a step back and consider how you can fund the company’s equity until you raise. For us, we were always confident that our app would be successful and that we were the right team to do it, but when we launched our app we just decided to build it as soon as the idea came to mind, we didn’t plan it in advance.

For this reason, we had to continue wor 2024 belgium telegram users library king full-time for a period of time and use all our savings to fund the ongoing development costs. Eventually, we had the resources and funding to take the plunge. We launched So Syncd in January 2020, but I didn’t quit my job until that November, and my sister quit hers in early 2021, just before our first raise.

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How to: Find a trusted technical expert

My sister and I don’t have. Tech between business closures and new customer nical backgrounds. While Lou has helped. grow another startup to unicorn status in the past. My background was largely financial. Together, we covered a lot of busi cg leads ness aspects. Like fundraising, legal, HR, marketing, and design. But our technical shortcomings were impossible to ignore.

At first, we couldn’t commit financially, so we used contractors to help us develop our app. It was so comforting to have him there to handle any technical urgencies and strategic technical decisions

we needed to make.

If you’re a non-technical founder. keep your ears and eyes open, always. Because like us, you might find the right resource. What we were doing. At the end of our conversation, he said, “If you need any help, call me.” A few weeks later, I accepted his offer and he still works part-time as our CTO today.

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