Developing Product Sense the Key to Success in Digital Products

Systems thinking aimed at developing digital products generates impact and results in the areas of product development and business. The development of this skill is so important and present in the product area that it is called Product Sense. Professionals looking to stand out in the digital products market must. Develop these and other critical skills to effectively. Solve problems and create products that truly meet users. Needs check out the following.Article to see the importance of this thinking when approaching complex business. Problems and see how to structure. The concept to generate impact and results in the Products area.

The concept of Product Sense

Product Sense is the ability to understand. What makes a product work analyzing its features from a businessdesign, and technology perspective. Good “product thinking” is able to see beyond individual features and understand how the solution fits into the broader ecosystem of users and the market.Hence the importance of knowing market trends and training teams to anticipate future user needs, adjusting the product strategy in response to changes in the business environment.Product sense is essential to ensure that the product not only meets current demands, but also continually adapts and evolves to remain relevant and competitive.That’s why Tera is offering a free course on the subject with expert Murylo Murylo Schulttais . Click on the icon below and watch it right now.


Problem space and Developing Product Sense solution space

To develop a product mindset, it is important to think about the solution’s trajectory between two large groups: problem and solution . The first, also known as the “problem space,” is related to what users need, also called Discovery .

Discovery is our ability to understand

what people need to have solved. The “solution space” is related to what the business provides, also called Delivery .Typical activities in this phase include user research, interviews, data analysis, observation, and other information gathering techniques that help reveal what users really need and how they behave.


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The idea is to create a comprehensive and empathetic

Understanding of the challenges faced by users, before attempting to develop any solutions.The solution space is the subsequent phase, focused on creating, developing and delivering solutions that meet previously identified needs. This stage involves bold data defining how problems will be solved in a practical and effective way, which is why it is related to product design, feature development, testing, iterations and launch.In summary Product Sense is made up of three basic premises Love the problem, not the solution Think products, not features Be specific and rational.Product-Led Growth With the development of Product Sense, the Product-Led Growth (PLG) strategy also develops.

This business growth method uses the product

as the main driver of customer acquisition, retention and expansion. In this way, the solution is designed to be intuitive, valuable and satisfying, naturally asia mobile number resource attracting new users and encouraging the retention of existing ones. While Product Sense seeks to understand what users really need and value, Product-Led Growth uses this information to ensure the success of the product based on its ability to solve real user problems and provide a valuable experience.

Solve the right problems Product

Sense focuses on building a consistent understanding of the customer base. This means that the PLG strategy can use the deep understanding of the user base to ensure that the product not only attracts new users, but also retains them and turns them into product advocates.

Therefore, both concepts value continuous feedback and iterative improvement. This constant cycle of collecting feedback, iterating, and improving the product ensures that the solution continues to meet and exceed user expectations.While traditional growth strategies may focus on marketing and sales, PLG puts the product at the center. This requires a strong product sense to ensure that all business decisions are aligned with creating user value and sustainable company growth.

Benefits for business and product people

The Product Sense concept benefits both businesses and product managers by creating an environment where products are developed with a focus on the real needs of users, promoting sustainable growth and ensuring relevance and competitiveness in the market.

By putting users at the center, the approach allows product people to focus on solving real problems, rather than just delivering features. This results in solutions that truly meet users’ needs, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty and improving the experience, which positively impacts product adoption and retention.

Furthermore Product Sense provides

a clear structure for product development, enabling organized, efficient and qualified deliveries. These points are also beneficial for the company’s culture, since product managers have information that favors the understanding of the market, users and business environment, allowing for safer and more effective decision-making.

This methodology aligns development decisions with the creation of value for the user, ensuring that the product continually evolves, remaining relevant and competitive in the market.

Therefore, product people are able to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty, transforming these situations into opportunities for innovation and the development of specific and effective solutions.

Thinking beyond functionality

stimulates creativity, encourages innovative solutions, and avoids wasting resources. This skill allows product managers to approach major challenges in a more manageable way, facilitating the implementation of solutions and enabling healthy company growth.

Did you like this article? Tera students have access to the full content of the Product Sense class , with expert Murylo Schulttais .

This content is part of the Product Management Fundamentals course , focused on developing skills for Digital Product Leadership .Download the program and see how Tera helps you advance further in your career.

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