Products that truly meet the needs of users are developed based on the knowledge that the professionals responsible for creating the product have of their audience. This knowledge comes from the ability to identify and apply the correct research methods, optimizing the solution and ensuring that each step is anchored by accurate data and insights.

In this post, you will learn about the most common research methods and how to implement them according to the needs of the product or solution, adapting them to the business context.

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Research methods
There are numerous research methods, but the most commonly used in our market are: desk research, in-depth interviews, focus groups, contextual research, usability testing, online questionnaires and A/B testing . Let’s understand when and how to use each method.

Desk Research
Desk research involves searching for and analyzing existing data collected from other sources, such as research institutes, companies, academic articles, newspapers and magazines. In addition to helping to understand the market context and relate it to the product, it is useful in the discovery phase to generate new questions and correlate them with existing data.

Usability Testing
Usability testing is a technique used to assess the ease of use and efficiency of a product or service. There are different types of testing, such as exploratory, evaluative, comparative and validative, each with a specific objective. The choice of test type depends on the context and the objective of the research.

Surveys, Interviews and Focus Groups
Surveys are online questionnaires used to collect quantitative data from a large number of people. They are effective in measuring opinions, behaviors, and demographic characteristics. One application tip is to avoid too many open-ended questions and focus on the questions that best align with the research objectives.

Interviews are structured or semi-structured conversations with users or stakeholders, conducted to obtain deep qualitative insights into their attitudes, behaviors, and needs. They can be used at any stage of product development and help understand user attitudes, as well as complement quantitative survey data, providing new insights and questions.

Focus groups are interview sessions with a group of people interacting with each other, mediated by a moderator. They are useful for getting a wide range of opinions quickly, although they are less in-depth than individual interviews.

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Choose the method
The choice of research approach depends on several factors that must be evaluated to ensure that the selected methodology is the most appropriate for the objective and context of the study. Therefore, it is important to consider the purpose of the research, the type of data, the nature of the problem and the timing of the solution.

Research objectives are divided into two main groups: exploration and validation . The first is for moments when the focus is on understanding a problem in general, which is why it prioritizes qualitative methods, such as interviews and focus groups. The second is for moments of testing and confirming hypotheses, or for measuring specific aspects, which is why quantitative methods, such as surveys and A/B tests, are more appropriate.

Based on the objective, research can generate qualitative or quantitative data . Qualitative data provide richer, more detailed and contextual results, while quantitative data provide a generalist and statistically significant view. The choice is also influenced by the sectorization of the research into an attitudinal or behavioral approach.

If the research aims to understand users’ beliefs and perceptions, the focus is attitudinal. In this case, interviews and surveys are useful. To observe users’ actual behavior, the research is behavioral.

In this context, usability testing and usage data analysis are more effective. Research can be conducted in a natural environment, where users interact with the product in their usual context, or in a controlled environment, to observe specific interactions.

Each research method has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is important to understand the methods of use and particularities of each method. By using techniques that are consistent with the product’s needs and context, you can ensure that each stage of development is supported by accurate data, increasing your chances of success in the market.

The Research Methods class, with expert Gilmar Miranda , provides an overview of the most common approaches and how to implement them according to the needs of the product or solution and the business context.

Tera students have access to the full class content, which is part of the Introduction to Product Discovery course , focused on developing skills for Digital Product Leadership .

Download the program and see how we can help you advance further in your career.

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