What is tourism marketing and how can you get the most out of it?

In an increasingly globalized world, traveling around the world has become an accessible and everyday activity for many.

This is a challenge for tourism companies , which today more than ever need to develop a good digital marketing plan focused on tourism to be competitive, adapting to an industry in constant transformation. Let’s see how you can get the most out of this very distinctive and diverse sector.

What is tourism marketing?

Tourism marketing is a strategy aimed at promoting products, services and experiences within the tourism industry. Through this approach, the aim is to increase interest in destinations, attractions, accommodations and other activities related to travel.

Marketing focused on tourism encompasses different strategies and areas of work, which evolve according to new trends and technological advances.

For many, it is an art that requires skill, intuition and constant updating, since this formula makes it possible to generate a true connection with consumers.

Beyond simply promoting a place, tourism marketing works to develop a brand that highlights its value proposition and competitive advantage. This involves identifying the target audience, understanding the needs and desires of potential travelers, and designing tourism experiences that exceed their expectations.

Therefore, it is not just about promoting tourist products or services, but about generating a need, appealing to emotions and feelings. And all this begins long before a potential client decides to travel.

Main characteristics of tourism marketing

Tourism marketing is distinguished from other marketing models by certain characteristics that make it unique. Let’s see what they are.

1. It is intangible
Tourist services are intangible because they cannot be touched with the hands. This is one of their most important characteristics.

The reason? Very simple. Since there is nothing material involved, marketing strategies revolve around lived experiences, resolved needs or fulfilled expectations.

We may apply some exceptions, such as restaurant food, souvenirs or hotel facilities.

But, in any case, we can consider these products as hybrids because, although they are associated with material elements, they are usually managed from an emotional perspective and have a symbolic value for the tourist.

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The tourist product varies according to the season of the year

A simple example is that beach destinations are more popular during the summer, while snow destinations receive more visitors in winter.

But it’s not just the weather that influences travel demand. There are also other factors such as holidays, festivities, events or cultural traditions in each region. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt your tourism marketing strategies to these fluctuations.

If you have any doubts about the technical seo seasonality of your product, Google Trends can help you out by showing you trends in your market or for specific services.

The tourist offer is very diverse and involves several areas.

We are talking about travel agencies, airlines, hotels, restaurants, tour services, car rentals, etc., without taking into account the possible participation of intermediaries.

Because of this characteristic, tourism marketing must follow several approaches to highlight the benefits of each company. There is also the possibility of making collaborations or alliances to promote complete experiences for customers.

4. It is complex
Based on the above points, it is valid to state that marketing for tourism is to a certain extent complex.

It is rare for a consumer to decide on a tourist canada email lead product as soon as they see an offer. What is usual is that they invest some time in evaluating options, to see which one fits their needs.

Hence, it is essential to accompany the customer o

Far from being bad news, its complexity can be a competitive advantage for your business. Remember that many companies in the sector use conventional marketing strategies, overlooking many elements that could play in your favor.

Objectives of marketing applied to tourism
Broadly speaking, their objectives are to achieve economic growth through the sale of products and services, attracting and retaining as many customers as possible.

The thing is that, to get to this point, you first have to achieve some more specific goals:

1. Build a consistent brand image
In the tourism sector, building a solid and coherent brand image that generates trust contributes to fostering a positive perception among travelers.

In this case, it is not enough to list features. Brand values ​​must be consistently linked to the services and experiences offered.

Understanding the tourist

A traveller’s purchasing process is worth evaluating. According to the American consultancy firm Sojern, digital tourists make between 40 and 200 inquiries before booking a trip.

That means that if they choose your offer, it’s because they’ve rejected many others in the process.

To achieve this effect, it is necessary to look beyond the typical marketing data. The strategy must address the entire journey that the tourist takes, to know at what point you win or lose them.

3. Personalization
Every traveler has individual needs and preferences. Adapting tourism offers and services to what each client expects can be challenging, but it is a primary objective at the marketing level: knowing your buyer persona .

Achieving this is possible by fully exploiting the power of data, prioritizing quality over quantity, both in launches and advertising campaigns.

Grow on social networks

Active participation by potential customers on social networks is a key factor in tourism marketing, as it allows the creation of an engaged community.

This goal goes hand in hand with the regular publication of relevant content on multiple social platforms, with special emphasis on the visual part.

It also includes providing quick responses to comments and messages, as well as organizing contests or events to encourage participation.

5. Differentiate yourself from the competition
To stand out in an industry as competitive as tourism, it is crucial to establish a unique position that attracts the attention of travelers.

Your offer can include, for example, personalized tours, themed excursions, exotic dishes, exclusive activities, etc.

Types of tourism marketing

The tourism industry is vast, so marketing in the sector is applied from different perspectives. Thus, we have:

1. Hotel marketing
It brings together the strategies that are applied in hotels – or any other accommodation – to attract more customers and increase the number of reservations.

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