Faculty of Islamic Studies UNINUS: Explanation, Job Prospects, and Tuition Fees

In an increasingly complex and globally connected world thanks to technological developments, the Faculty of Islamic Studies equips students with the ability to respond to social, economic, cultural, and political issues with a deep religious perspective. This has also increased the demand and interest in graduates of this faculty. This is because this faculty reflects the public’s desire for qualitative religious education and teaching, both in the context of formal education and in providing religious advice in everyday life.

For those of you who are interested in entering the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Nusantara (UNINUS) offers a variety of study programs (prodi) that you can choose from. What are they? Here’s the explanation

Getting to know the Faculty of Islamic Studies UNINUS

The Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI) UNINUS is a higher education institution that focuses on the development of knowledge and understanding of Islam, as well as its application in various aspects of life. The birth of this faculty cannot be separated from the manifestation of the ideals mandated by the scholars. These scholars founded the Islamic University in Bandung City on November 30, 1959 under the name Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNNU) under the guidance of the UNNU Foundation. This is a gift from the Ahlussunnah Wal Jama’ah Family to the people and nation of Indonesia.

FAI UNINUS is committed to providing solid education in Islamic religious values, while exploring the academic potential of students in understanding Islamic teachings deeply and critically. In addition, this faculty is also present as a higher education institution that studies religious sciences and will produce religious scholars, occupying the positions needed to anticipate and keep up with the times.

The vision of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas Islam Nusantara is: To become an Excellent and Independent Faculty of Islamic Studies in 2035

Organizing the development and development of independent and superior human resources.

Organizing education, research and community buy telemarketing data service in accordance with the demands and needs of society.
Implementing Islamic moral development that is in line with the nation’s culture.
What Study Programs are Available at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, UNINUS?
FAI UNINUS organizes various study programs related to Islam, here is the explanation

 Islamic Religious Education

The first study program at FAI UNINUS is Islamic Religious Education. This study program is an educational program that focuses on preparing qualified prospective Islamic religious teachers. Here, you will not only learn the ins and outs of Islam in detail until you understand the Islamic perspective clearly. But you will also be equipped with educational knowledge so that you can become a good teacher. Some of the things you will learn in this study program include Islamic teaching methods, educational psychology, and student character formation.

Elementary Madrasah Teacher Education

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The Elementary Madrasah Teacher Education (PGMI) FAI UNINUS is a study program that specifically prepares students to become teachers at the Elementary Madrasah level. Elementary Madrasah itself is a basic education level in the Islamic education system in Indonesia which is equivalent to Elementary School (SD) in general.

By integrating Islamic religious subjects with general education, here you will study Islamic religious materials as well as general education such as language, mathematics, and science.

Islamic Communication and Broadcasting

Next, there is the Islamic Communication and what is price monitoring?  Broadcasting (KPI) study program at UNINUS. This is an educational program that combines an understanding of Islamic teachings with skills in communicating and conveying religious messages through various media. This study program will equip you with the knowledge and skills in communicating about Islamic teachings through various media, such as radio, television, and digital media. In addition, you will also gain a deep understanding of Islamic teachings, so that the messages conveyed have a strong foundation.

4. Islamic Banking
The last study program at FAI UNINUS is Islamic usb directory Banking. This study program was born from a new awareness that the economic system and management so far have been very vulnerable to global economic turmoil. Therefore, this study program is here to provide attention to Islamic economic practices, especially banking and other Islamic financial institutions as an alternative financial service.

This study program provides an in-depth understanding of the principles of Islamic economics, which include the prohibition of usury, gharar (uncertainty), maysir (gambling), and p

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