Why do we need an excuse to have fun?

“I don’t need an excuse to have a good time.” Ok, so you are an exception. Let me tell you how I came up with this idea for today’s post. I am currently in Germany. In Cologne to be more specific. It is probably the best place in Germany to celebrate carnivaWe came here to spend a few days so that the kids can enjoy the floats and the sweets that are usually thrown on this occasion. The tradition is quite similar to the parades we know in Spain but with more and better sweetst is what is called “Strassenkarneval” (street carnival) here in

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do not stop drinking and having a great time until  philippines telegram data   Tuesday at midnight when everything ends. During this time anything can happen. You can find a new partner (or lose one), wake up one day in the hospital and not remember how you got there, etc.

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Maybe I’m giving you an image of Germans that has nothing to do with the serious, hard-working people you have in your head . From Thursday to Tuesday, people in this part of the country (it’s a regional tradition) have the perfect excuse to have a good time. Afterwards, everything goes back to normal. The woman who gives a ” Bützje” (a Cologne dialect meaning kiss) to people she didn’t know 3 minutes ago  free backlink generator   at the street carnival, on Wednesday goes into the office and sometimes doesn’t even say “hello” to her colleagues with whom she has shared the office for months or years (and it’s not necessarily because of a hangover).

Now you might say that this is a “German phenomenon” and that it doesn’t happen like that here in Spain . I agree with you in part. The “Latino” in general needs much less to have a    b2b faxlead    good time than our Germanic friends. The truth is that even in the hottest areas of the world some of the best parties are celebrated on certain dates of the year. We no longer have to think only about going out for drinks. But also about events such as Christmas or Epiphany. Do we need these dates to feel happier? There are people who get depressed at these times of the year. Because they feel like they are not up to par with others because,

For example, they hardly have anyone to enjoy it with

The anticipation of an event certainly helps to create suspense because you anticipate that something good is going to happen . The fact that it is repeated annually means that you can hopefully relate it to fond memories from the past. It is the fact that it is something out of the ordinary that makes it something special and generates emotions.

Normal things are not enough of an excuse to have a good time all the time (it can work from time to time). Humans (or most of them) are only minimalists because they have no other choice . They are not satisfied with the little things. They are still convinced that to be happy you need a reason to be happy. The truth is that I don’t have a good answer to the question in the post. In most cases I usually come up with a possible solution. By writing the article because it forced me to reflect on the subject. Maybe you can think of something

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