
AIDA Model Should we also apply it to email marketing campaigns?

Attention, Interest, Desire and Action are the initials of AIDA and represent the four states that a person goes through from the moment they are impact by a brand until they make a purchase.

The phases prior to making a purchase, capturing attention, awakening interest and encouraging the desire to buy, are essential and must be consider. In email marketing campaigns any marketing strategy. 

Elias St. Elmo Lewis (1872-1948) was an American advertising professional known for his contribution. To the development of the AIDA model , which has become one of the fundamental. Concepts of modern marketing and advertising.

Known for his research and consumer focus, he creat the AIDA model in 1898. In 1909, he publish a paper titl “ The Psychology of Advertising ,” which is consider one of the first formal studies of advertising.

Elmo Lewis is consider one of the pioneers of modern advertising and his work has had a significant impact on the way advertising and marketing are understood and practic today.

How the AIDA model works

The model is bas on the development of a sales strategy that generates the ne for consumption in customers . It must progressively convince them of the advantages offer by the product or service. And persuade them until they make the purchase.

The stages of the AIDA model are 4 and describe the phases that a potential customer goes through in their purchasing process , from becoming familiar with a product, until making a purchase:

  1. Attention . The goal is to capture the potential customer’s attention with an attractive, relevant message. Inbound lays an important role here.
  2. Interest . After capturing attention, you ne to spark interest in your product or service by providing detail, relevant information.
  3. Desire. To encourage the desire to buy, we must highlight the benefits and advantages of the product, showing how this will be crucial to satisfying the thailand phone number data customer’s nes.
  4. Action . A clear and direct call to action to motivate the customer and get them to make a purchase.


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Why should we apply the AIDA model in mailing campaigns?

We receive hundrs of hits a day, our email inbox is full and we want our message to stand out above the rest . How can we achieve this? We must interpret very well the states that the consumer’s mind goes through when receiving and reading the messages receiv.

Applying the AIDA model is essential, also about 60% of consumers are willing to be track in email marketing campaigns. We tell you how to do it. 

The first thing we want to do is to get the attention of the recipient of our email, so the subject of the communication is crucial. It will be decisive in whether they open the aob directory email or send it directly to the trash. We must be able to capture attention with just a few words .



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