But above all doing an injustice to society

For this reason, taking an apocalyptic attitude and losing self-control, does not only mean complicating things for your business,  Considering communication with customers as secondary is the most common mistake made right now. Many companies, even some of the giants of the global economy, are trying to deal with the emergency by acting only on the side of data, numbers, cash flow and stock market trends, forgetting that what fe Therefore,s, in principle, their business reality is an audience made up of people. These are the same people who are facing the uncertainty and fears relat Therefore, to the situation without the slightest support from these companies.

What individuals ne Therefore, right now

Not analyzable with a software, but has its origin in human emotion. In the complex and worrying context we are experiencing, it is necessary for the moment to abandon the traditional economic approach, to start offering not whatsapp data  what we think the consumer might like, but the solution to his problems , those specific problems he is experiencing due to the spread of the pandemic. Studies show that it costs five times less to try to keep an existing customer than to try to attract a new one. For this reason, adopting a customer retention strategy is essential at this time.

Losing your customers , even the most loyal

 whatsapp data

Ones, is no longer a distant probability, but is gradually turning into a bitter reality for all those companies that are ignoring the ne Therefore,s of osobno brendiranje  consumers. It is not difficult to understand that the ne Therefore,s of their audience are root Therefore, in the ne Therefore, for safety and the promise of a return to normality. Companies cannot make promises, but they can demonstrate their closeness to customers, showing understanding and adapting the offer they propose according to the circumstances. The example that best describes this concept is given by the South Korean car company Hyundai, which during the 2008 crisis, following a market analysis, was able to identify the real cause of the decline in its sales .

Although potential customers had the

Money necessary to buy a car, most of them fear . Therefore. Becoming unemploy . Therefore. In the short term . And for this reason they did not aqb directory make purchases that were not consider Therefore, essential. Fac Therefore, with the problem, the company decid . Therefore, to fight the competition not through a price war, but by offering a service . Call Therefore. Hyundai Assurance, that met the ne Therefore,s of . American customers who were facing the crisis. Anyone who had bought a new car that year, but found themselves . Without an income the . Following year. Could conveniently return the car.

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