Campaigns to increase interactions are the most used in Meta (42.4%), according to Metricool’s ‘Facebook Ads Study 2024’

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Metricool has present the Facebook Ads Study 2024 , an analysis that compiles data, information and key findings to see how brands, agencies and social mia managers use ad campaigns on Meta platforms.

Among other results report by Metricool in a press release today, Thursday, March 21, 2024, it highlights that campaigns to increase interactions are the most us by brands, agencies and social mia managers: they account for 42.4% of the total campaigns analyz, closely follow by Traffic campaigns, 32.6%. Both are a long way behind the next one, Leads campaigns, with 9.6%.

However, Brand Awareness campaigns

A which aim to reach a large number of users who may be interest in a brand, are the ones that achieve the highest percentage of impressions with 37.7 %. Traffic campaigns are again in second place, with 24.6% of the total, and Interaction campaigns drop to third place, with 18.6%.

In turn, Traffic campaigns obtain the highest percentage of clicks with 38%. A closely buy telemarketing lead follow by Interaction campaigns, 32%. Again, the first two are far behind the next, which are Sales campaigns with 13.9%,” according to the conclusions of Metricool, which has also publish the Instagram 2024 Study , whose news we recommend reading later.

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More results from Metricool’s 2024 Facebook Ads Study

In the Facebook Ads 2024 Study, Metricool has also analyz the average. Investment per campaign and the total investment for each of the objectives. A piece of data in which it has found information that it considers. A “interesting and useful for as typing deleting pages or moving pages how knowing what brands, agencies and social mia managers are investing in.”

Investments by type of campaign
App Promotion campaigns are the ones that receive the most investment, with an average of $1,856.64 ( about €1,700 ) per campaign. The next campaigns, Lead Generation and Sales , are less than half that, with $476.35 (about €436 ) and $457.99. A per aob directory campaign (about €419 ). In last place are those that aim to increase Interaction, with an average of $70.79 (almost €65 ) invest per campaign.

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