
Exploitation of the referral profile

It’s no secret that almost every person, before going to the doctor, turns to the search engine for help – looks for information about their problem and options for its correction, looks at photos before and after the procedure, analyzes what complications may occur and how they can be avoided.

Customer feedback about working with the Inweb team

Each such information request is unique, and the more accurately oman phone number data the information on the site corresponds to the user’s request, the greater the chance to see the transformation of this user from a simple reader to a patient of the clinic.

Updated 2024 Mobile Phone Number Data

Feedback from the project manager

The site on medical topics has its own promotion features, which we took into today is safer internet day, a day for online safety account when working with the project. For a clinic of aesthetic medicine, it is important to fill the site with informative content. With its help, the client can not only choose the necessary procedure for himself, know about the consequences of its implementation, but also can make sure of the quality and safety, see photos with the results of other patients.

Traffic and Positions

Thanks to openness, transparency and a competent aero leads explanation of the necessary improvements, the result did not have to wait long. During the three years of joint work with klinika.pl.ua, their site has changed for the better, and the indicators have increased 6 times.

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