Facebook Ads case study – how to segment to sell

The only way to learn about something is to keep practicing by trying different things for the first time. This creates uncomfortable feelings as you step out of your warm comfort zone and into the cold water of the pool called life. cover original cushions Before turning this into a philosophical post, let’s talk about a new experiment with Facebook Ads that I’m carrying out and that I will present today in Alicante in the practical workshop (free of charge) at Ulab .

The general question

Can you sell with Facebook Ads? The more specific question is: Can you sell emoji pillows with Facebook Ads? We will find out shortly. Contents [ hide ] 1 Experiment design for selling emoji pillows 2 Detailed segmentation of Facebook Ads campaigns 2.1 Campaign 1: culés 2.2 Campaign 2: Real Madrid players 2.3 Campaign 3 and 4: Boys and girls in love Experiment design for selling emoji pillows To sell on

Facebook you only have two options:

You are very well known , so any creative andor attractive action helps you generate sales because you have a potential audience that already knows you very well. You are able to generate spontaneous sales because your campaign has become so popular that lebanon whatsapp number data with little investment, you have achieved a high level of virality. This is very complicated, but we are going to try it anyway. To do this, we have designed 4 different campaigns. Below you can see the advertisement we created for this purpose. Goodbye to La Liga!: the idea here is to launch a chain on Facebook.

whatsapp data


tag their Real Madrid friends to generate

a rivalry between them. Basketball Champions : This time we turn the tables. Here are the Real Madrid and basketball fans who can tease their Barça friends. Tell her with 2 pillows (boy) : we are addressing boys who want to have or are recently in bulk lead relationship with a girl using a wordplay. Say it with 2 pillows (girl): the same campaign but this time the approach is the other way around. “Say it with pillows” to the boy of your dretailed segmentation of Facebook Ads campaigns During an internal training on detailed segmentation , I realized that there is a scheme to explain how to “draw” the circles.


There are 4 different ones in total:

overlap by adding a segmentation to each one that fits. For example, theme in our case could be football or basketball . Behavior could be “Real Madrid or Barça fan”, “looking for a partner”, etc. You got it a bit, right? This is the segmentation we have made my creative process for designing a new course the 4 campaigns: Campaign 1: culés Circle 1 (theme): people who like football Circle 2 (status): CF Barcelona supporters Circle 3 (related interests): original gifts, personalized gifts Ads from the campaign aimed at Barça fans Announcement of the campaign aimed.

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