Gail Tolstoi-Miller CEO and Chief Staffing Strategist

contact name: Gail Tolstoi-Miller
contact job function details: human_resources,information_technology
contact job function: HR, IT, Pharma, Medical Device

contact job title: CEO and Chief Staffing Strategist

contact job seniority: ceo chief staffing strategist temporary hr it pharma medical device

contact person city: c_suite

contact person state: New York

contact person country: New York

contact person zip code: United States

business name:

business domain: Consultnetworx

business facebook URL: (973) 309-5474

business linkedin:

business twitter:

business website:

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business angellist:

business found year:

business city: 2008

business zip code: Livingston

business state: 7039

business country: New Jersey

business language: 2

business employee: United States

business category: English

business specialty: staffing & recruiting

business technology: consulting, human resources, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, finance, corporate support, staffing and recruiting

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