Generally speaking, we can summaries

Generally speaking, we can summaries that the more than have been a great success. There are always steps backwards, which shows that we need to add nuances to improve our way of working.

That is why today we need to specify some points

  1. We never execute tasks spontaneously : All tasks are planned in advance. If the task does not exist in the backlog or in the sprint, it is  not spain phone number library relevant. The priority is on the tasks planned for each sprint. Nothing else can be done other than completing those tasks.
  2. We plan weeks and days in advance : It is not possible to execute one task after the next. Priorities and dependencies must be evaluated. The order of tasks matters in order to achieve the highest level of productivity. The day begins by planning the day itself. The day ends by planning the next day. The same applies at the weekly level.

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Team productivity is more important than your own :

  1. You can never sacrifice your colleagues’ time  to complete a task faster. Other people’s time is more sacred than your own. When a task requires collaboration, you have to coordinate and plan to find a common space for everyone.
  2. Documentation is key : There terzulli revenue management consultant can be no excuses for not documenting work progress, decisions, meetings, etc. Memory is fragile but Confluence pages will persist just like files in Sharepoint.

Promises must be kept :

  1. After 20 weeks we must be able to estimate b2b fax lead tasks with at least 80% accuracy. Completing all tasks in the sprint is not optional but mandatory. If we do not achieve our goal, the team deserves a good explanation as to why we were not able to achieve our goal.
  2. Communication in Jira tickets and not outside of them : To create complete transparency for everyone about the status of a task, you have to communicate through the tasks. Also, if there is no progress, you have to document it there. That’s what comment fields are for.

Small improvements every week :

The only tasks that are not tasks in Jira are those that can be completed in a matter of 5 minutes. We will improve each week but without creating additional work. This is this week.

We have a long way to go. As I told my brother yesterday, as an organization and a team we have gone from level 4 to level 6-7. There is a long way to go but the progress has been remarkable.

Let’s see how far we can go.

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