
Getting to Know the Faculty of Engineering and its

As one of the leading faculties that is sought after by prospective new students, the faculty of engineering offers promising job prospects.

Engineering graduates are in great demand in Indonesia and it can even be said that their participation is always relied upon for the development of a more advanced country.

All engineering faculty graduates are always associated with various industrial fields ranging from infrastructure, machinery, transportation, health, technology, agriculture and many more.

Curious about what the faculty of engineering is? What study programs are there in the faculty of engineering itself?

Job opportunities for engineering faculty graduates and recommendations for universities that have engineering faculties in 2023? Come on, find out more by following here!

Faculty of Engineering Is

Engineering students are prospective inventors with insight. Their ideas are highly regarded to help shape world civilization and improve people’s welfare through the development of creative technology.

The faculty of engineering itself has a variety of disciplines. If you have an interest in Science (Physics, Chemistry or Biology), Mathematics and English, there is always room to develop that passion in the faculty of engineering.

Not only hard skills, engineering faculty students are also guided to encourage the improvement of soft skills, especially to always be productive in conducting research, training systematic analysis skills, thinking logically, and not easily giving up on failure. This is why the competition to become an engineering faculty student is also very tight.

Study Programs in the Faculty of Engineering

There are dozens of study programs in the faculty of engineering, here are some that are in great demand in Indonesia along with their career prospects. In Indonesia, the study programs that are developing from the faculty of engineering include:

How are lectures at the Faculty of Engineering?

Of the many study programs in the Faculty of  database shop Engineering, of course each has a different learning focus, depending on the concentration.

If you become a student at the Faculty of Engineering, you will generally study for 8 semesters or 4 years.

After that, you will graduate and get a Bachelor of Engineering degree. In addition to studying in class, you will also do practice in the laboratory or in the field directly.

Job Prospects for Engineering Faculty Graduates

Because they are needed in various business lines and industries, we can find almost all engineering faculty graduates everywhere.

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Engineering faculty graduates have a wide range of career options, and it is even possible to create new business opportunities in accordance with their field of study. This is of course adjusted to market needs.

Some of them are: architects, contractors, drafters, software engineers, data scientists, website developers, experts in the mining, telecommunications, oil industries, academics, and government agencies from national, multinational, to international levels.

Reasons to Study at the Faculty of Engineering

If you are still hesitant to choose the Faculty of Engineering, here are some reasons you can consider:

  • Many companies need it in the mining, oil, construction and many other sectors.
  • Government institutions such as BATAN, PLN, PLTN are also looking for experts from engineering faculty graduates.
  • In Indonesia, there are still few human resources who are truly experts in various fields in the engineering faculty.
  • The existence of sustainable development  we must quickly learn to create and consolidate in Indonesia certainly requires experts from engineering faculty graduates for the continuity of development in Indonesia which will not be short-lived.
  • The average income of engineering faculty graduates is quite tempting

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Recommendations for Universities with the Best Engineering Faculties in Indonesia

Of the many study programs available in the faculty of engineering, you may have difficulty choosing one.

You can consider your passion, see the demand in society to fill the gap in skilled workers, and look at the recommendations for the best universities in Indonesia to continue your studies in the engineering faculty from Danacita below.

Islamic University of Bandung (UNISBA)

Located in the Flower City, Bandung, UNISBA is one of the private universities with the best sharia-based curriculum to continue its main studies in the faculty of engineering.

The campus, which was established in 1958, can accept new student registrations of up to more than 10 people every year. Various study programs offered by the UNISBA engineering faculty include:

  • Industrial Engineering
  • Urban & Regional Planning
  • Mining Engineering
  • Professional Engineer Program

President University

Formerly known as Cikarang Technical College, since April  asb directory 16, 2004 it has changed to President University with the official status of a higher education institution.

Built in the Jababeka industrial area, surrounded by various well-known multinational and international companies throughout Southeast Asia such as Unilever, Samsung, etc., it provides a conducive learning atmosphere for students.

President University also offers complete laboratory facilities to support smooth studies. For those of you who want to study at the Faculty of Engineering, President University, some of the available study concentrations include:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering

Tarumanagara University (UNTAR)

Having been dedicated to the advancement of Indonesia since 1959, Tarumanagara University has the oldest history as a vocational school of architectural engineering in Indonesia in 1962.

Located in the capital city, Tarumanagara University provides study programs for undergraduate to doctoral degrees. In addition, UNTAR also holds a Blended Learning program with afternoon classes that are suitable for workers who want to continue their education.

The study programs at the Faculty of Engineering, Tarumanagara University are:

  • Architecture
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Civil Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering

Janabadra University

Janabadra University was established in 1958. As one of the private campuses with the oldest track record in Yogyakarta, the quality and educational facilities are certainly not something that should be doubted.

For the Faculty of Engineering, Janabadra University has 3 undergraduate study concentrations and 1 Masters study program, namely:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Information Technology

Indonesian Computer University (UNIKOM)

Established on August 8, 2000, UNIKOM has succeeded in achieving achievements in various regional, national and international events.

Facilities such as buildings and teaching staff are also very adequate to support teaching and learning activities on campus. No wonder, UNIKOM is one of the idol campuses in Bandung, West Java.

Here, the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science is one with educational levels from D3 to S1. The study programs at the UNIKOM engineering faculty include:

  • Computerized accounting
  • Informatics Management
  • Computer Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Information Systems
  • Computer System
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Urban and Regional Planning.

Studying at the Faculty of Engineering with Danacita

Danacita is an educational financing platform whose mission is to expand access to higher education for students throughout Indonesia that has been officially licensed and supervised by OJK. By applying for educational financing at

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