How to do marketing if your user is not your paying customer?

Sometimes marketing can be complex. What can I tell you? Doing good marketing has never been easy and never will be. There are times when it can be even more complicated than usual. This is especially the case when your user is not the same person who pays for the service or product.Depending on the type of business, this may be the only option because the end user has no ability to influence. If you sell a product for children, you do marketing focused on parents. If you are the manager of a nursing home, your messages will be aimed at the children of the elderly.

Push Pull Marketing  Photo rights by Fotolia

Always when you offer services or products for    malaysia telegram data children . In this case, it is the parents who hire you but the children use them.Services or products for workers who do not have the power to make purchasing decisions and depend on a manager to approve the budget.Other types of products and services aimed at people who require special care and who are under a legal guardian (elderly, young people, disabled people).

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Looking at these three different cases, we can already imagine that each scenario is a world of its own and requires a different approach. Despite this, there may be some factors that they have in common when developing a marketing strategy. There are two types of marketing approach if  In the era of rapidly developing   your business faces the challenge of having to address several people at the same time to make a successful sale: Push or Pull .

Push strategy to successfully sell your products or services
In this scenario, you are addressing the person who deposits the money into your bank account (or several if it is a shared purchase decision). At first glance, it may seem like  b2b faxlead  the easiest option because it is one more path . You just have to convince the boss and then the employee uses my software (if this is your product, of course).


This is not always the case, In this situation

you should influence the customer to see your product before the deal is closed and give their approval. There may also be nuances here. If it is a one-time sale, this is not necessary. As long as it is recurring, the Customer Lifetime Value will depend on the satisfaction of the user and not on the person who set the budget.

Pull strategy to successfully sell your products or services
This is a strategy that you can see especially in the toy sector. Advertising is clearly aimed at children (end users) who then pass on this wish to their parents . The other day, a person who offered private lessons for high school students asked me. How he should approach a Facebook Ads campaign to reach children of the right age. In this situation, the doubt that arose for me was whether a Pull strategy made sense in this context. It is unlikely that a student who is getting mediocre grades. In maths would start looking for private lessons on his own. It would be more of a Push case where you first have to convince the parents that the offer is good. To increase retention, you have to motivate the student. By providing a fun way of studying where he feels that effort has a reward. This may involve implementing a gamification system so that progress can be visualized and studying . Becomes a game instead of being considered boring work for the student.


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