Incorrectly performed migration to the SSL protocol.

Depending on the volume of copied content, they are divided into: full; partial. The first ones contain 100% identical material. Usually, full ones include mirrors of resources whose address may or may not contain www, duplicates of the main page and referral programs. This also includes web pages associated with an incorrect hierarchy, containing multiple symbols in the URL. Full duplicates also occur due to 


 They must be deleted as quickly as possible.

Partial duplicates do not duplicate the macedonia phone number library content completely, but only some of it. These are pagination and sorting web pages. Most often, their occurrence is due to CMS nuances. You can recognize them by the get parameter. Partial duplicates may also include other types of pages: reviews, product properties, filtering, or copies created using AJAX. What is duplicate content and its types Problems of internal and external duplication The peculiarity of pages with identical content is that they can appear not only on one site, but also on several at once.


 They are called, respectively, internal and external.

macedonia phone number library

Let’s dwell on the nuances in more detail. Internal duplication This is the name given to pages containing identical content, located on the same resource, but at different addresses. Internal duplication leads to phrase cannibalization. In this situation, at least a couple of subpages of one domain name can be displayed for one keyword. If internal duplication is not eliminated, then the positions will start to “jump” in the search results.


 Why? It’s simple –

If there is duplication of content on the leads are consumers who are interested in purchasing site, the search engine will not be able to determine which of the pages to show, so they will be shown in turn. Because of this, Google algorithms will consider them as low-quality, and priority in ranking will be given to other sites. We also recommend reading about how website promotion is carried out and the principles of ranking.


 Want to get a comprehensive analysis of your website?

Website address External duplication This is bulk lead what they call identical content that is located on different web resources. This happens mainly for two reasons: theft; posting copy content from your site on other platforms. Duplicate pages in subdomains also fall into this category. If the same text is posted on several domain names, then the Google search engine will display the page that is better optimized, created earlier, or has a link posted on a large number of donor sites in a high position.

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