contact name: Malcolm Black
contact job function details: chairman formerly chairman ceo
contact job function: consulting
contact job title: Chairman and Consultant (formerly Chairman and CEO)
contact job seniority: c_suite
contact person city:
contact person state:
contact person country: New Zealand
contact person zip code:
business name: Les Mills
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
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business angellist:
business found year: 1968
business city: Auckland
business zip code: 1011
business state: Auckland
business country: New Zealand
business language: English,Japanese,English
business employee: 1188
business category: health, wellness & fitness
business specialty: exercise equipment, group fitness programming, team training classes, virtual exercise, health & fitness, health, wellness and fitness
business technology: salesforce,amazon_ses,mailchimp_mandrill,rackspace_mailgun,outlook,office_365,azure,rackspace,bluekai,magento,brightroll,amazon_aws
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business description: We werken aan een fittere planeet! Dit doen we door het aanbieden van groepfitness programma's, advies voor een gezond leven, trainingsmaterialen, muziek en fitnesskleding. Doe mee!