My best advice before you launch a new project

I include myself in this group because as a founder you always have to be the number 1 salesperson in your company . sales teamPhoto rights by Fotolia As with any business with external funding from investors, there is legitimate pressure to meet established sales figures, so you have to put the batteries into your start-up ‘s sales engine . If you are not some kind of entrepreneurial Superman, this usually generates impressive peaks of stress.

The bad thing is that the exhaust

pipe is usually the commercial equipment. These are the main mistakes I made. Unattainable goals I don’t know about yours, but my Excels work wonders. In the end, I always get the numbers I need. So I did a top-down calculation. The sales figures we iraq whatsapp number data had were unrealistic. As a result, each salesperson had high goals (I say this today, 6 years ago I would have said realistic) that were practically impossible to achieve. This created a vicious circle of frustration and pressure.


whatsapp data

Sales expectations were not met due to

an incorrect estimation of the probability of closing. Every week my sales manager had to send me an Excel spreadsheet (downloaded from our CRM) with all the sales opportunities. Each one was assigned a sales probability based on the sales phase it was in. What does this mean? Well, if we had had a potential sale of 1,000,000 euros.

Thengetting paid was another matter

In the online advertising sector, getting paid in 120-180 days was also nothing out of the ordinary. 100% of what was invoiced was probably not even bulk lead collected because some companies closed or simply did not want to pay. When you are under pressure you quickly forget that your sales team is made up of people, not robots .

I probably still needed some experience

to realise that I could not expect the same energy I had to push for something that was mine from a third party who, in the end, works for someone possible to combine a blog with family life else and is also poorly paid because it was impossible for them to get 100% of their variable salary. The bad thing is that rectifying at such times is complicated because it would mean.

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