Pop Up or not pop up

Pop-up or not, that is the question. Will we be able to create smart pop-ups for strategic purposes. Or will we succumb to the realm of annoying pop-ups? Can we find a balance between timing and the right types of pop-ups. Or will our voracious use drive visitors away?

The most popular study by

the Nielsen Norman Group describes pop-ups overseas data as the “most hated advertising technique on desktop computers.”

The fact that people hate pop-ups is due to poor usability, overuse, poor strategies, and lack of user testing, i.e. experiences where the pop-up disrupts the user journey. But this could change if, as marketers. We focused on using pop-ups on websites to engage users instead of selling them something .


Website pop-ups can be our best friends or our worst enemies; the difference depends on the timing, frequency. Goals, and types of pop-ups. Let’s break this down and learn all about website pop-ups and how to leverage this great tool to engage and interact with our visitors.

Pop-up Types by Function

overseas data

The term “popup” can mean a lot of things to marketers and users. In most cases, it’s a window that appears at the top of a page. But we’ve heard users refer to chatbot messages as popups as well. For the purposes of this blog post, we’re talking about the first type of modal popup.

While there are many types of pop -up strategies, the actual types differ mainly in their functionality and what triggers them. Here is a list of the most commonly used types of pop-ups based on their triggers:

  • Delayed pop-up
  • As the name suggests, these website pop-ups are triggered to appear after a specific amount of time, inactivity, or time spent on the site. Depending on the action triggered, you can add a relevant message with a call to action related to the topic.

Use case : Trigger a coupon after x seconds on an eCommerce product page.

  • Pop Up

    by Click

Another type of pop up is the click-based pop up, which of course appears after the visitor clicks on a designated area of ​​the page or site. This type of pop up is considered the least intrusive for users since it is triggered by a physical click and a clear intention from the user.

Use case : Using a button, link, or image to trigger a pop-up containing an e-book download form, contact form, or newsletter signup form, so that the user doesn’t have to leave the current page to submit the form.

  • First visit

This is arguably one of the most common  while doing you face difficulties pop-ups on e-commerce sites, and it’s a great opportunity for brands to appeal to hesitant first-time shoppers. Whether it’s offering a discount coupon or directing users to popular products, pop-ups for first-time visitors can help create an immediate connection with your products, prompting them to buy from the very first session.

Use case : Show new users a coupon for their first purchase.

  • Scroll Pop Up

Another type of pop up is scroll-based. These pop eu phone number ups are triggered based on the visitor’s activity as they move up or down a page. Scroll depth can, in some cases, be a better indicator of engagement than time on page and therefore may have a higher success rate than its time-delayed counterpart.

Use case : Subscription to our newsletter after x seconds or minutes on the blog. The timing of this type of popup should be based on your website analytics and engagement data.


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