contact name: Prasad Vemulapalli
contact job function details: engineering,entrepreneurship
contact job function: software architect
contact job title: ceo
contact job seniority: founder ceo software architect
contact person city: founder
contact person state: Orlando
contact person country: Florida
contact person zip code: United States
business name:
business domain: Munchem
business facebook URL: (407) 996-6666
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
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business angellist:
business found year:
business city: 2013
business zip code: Orlando
business state: 32835
business country: Florida
business language: 13
business employee: United States
business category: English
business specialty: computer software
business technology: custom mobile apps, restaurants, mobile ordering, surveys, cross platform functionality, databases, restaurant technology, objective c, ios, android, increase saleas, sql, performance, online ordering, delivery zones, facebook ordering, computer software
there are several factors that make
business description: amazon_aws,amplitude,asp_net,google_maps_non_paid_users,microsoft-iis,mobile_friendly,google_analytics,livechat,jquery_1_11_1,google_maps,facebook_login,facebook_widget,google_play