I almost squealed with glee this week reading this stuff – my notebook is packed with awesome tips. Enjoy!

New Feature Alert: Facebook’s Latest Live Video Upgrades | Edgar

Targeting! *applauds*

So You Think You Chose to Read This Article? | BBC

Holy cow. The technology keeping up with social media trends and spitting out such specific information about what will work at what time for your audience is amazing. You might think you choose to read an article, but it’s likely someone’s posted it because a bot told them you’re the right reader at the right time.

Ranking #0: SEO for Answers | Moz

We used to covet the #1 spot in 1000 mobile phone numbers search – now it’s all about that featured snippet. So how do you get it? Moz reveals all!

A Step-By-Step Guide to Writing a Compelling Article Introduction | QuickSprout

Because if you don’t catch a reader straight away (a bit like Pokemon, yeah?) they won’t stick around.

3 Secret Gmail Buttons to Guarantee Your Cold Emails Get Opened | Jeff Bullas

We’ve all been there – an email sent out of the blue and we never hear back. Well, no more!


Take Back Your Time With These 10 Ready-Made Spreadsheet Templates (And Our Top Tips and Time-Savers) | Buffer

Buffer says “live smarter, not harder” and I love that – I also love their ready-made templates to help you keep on top of your working life.

How I Finished Writing My Book in 90 Days | Jeff Goins

updated 2024 mobile phone number data

Honestly, by the time we do E-poststrategy: kâld e-mailing vs e-postmarketing work, life, perhaps study, the time we’ve got left over to write bigger projects like your next ebook, book, or ecourse, is ridiculously slim. I like seeing how other people manage it, and Sandy does so in 0nly 90 days! Amazing.

Notes on 6 Years of Blogging | Young Adventuress

A very human lookback on what blogging can bring – both good and bad.

The 18 Best Writing Tips You’ll Ever Read | Medium

It doesn’t matter how much you write, you’ll always want to know how to write better.

6 Tricks to Get More Traffic to Unpopular Blog Posts | Business2Community

We’ve all been there – we’ve written a post that fell flat. Love these ideas to revive it!