
Recommendations for Marketing Study

Are you passionate about all things product sales and marketing planning? Then the marketing study program is perfect for you.

When you study in a marketing program, you will not only learn about sales and planning, but in general you will learn how businesses maintain relationships with their audiences through targeted activities that create, communicate, and deliver offers to them.

Well, this time we will discuss more deeply about the marketing study program.

What is the Marketing Study Program?

Marketing study program is a college study program that studies how to plan and carry out branding and promotion of products and services to the public or targeted audience through certain demographics. By understanding the market environment and consumer trends, a business can achieve their main marketing goals, which are to satisfy the needs and wants of consumers with products or services, while promoting their mission.

Marketing study programs can be said to be part of institutional communications or business schools, and their curriculum covers more than just business practices.

Marketing Study Program Lecture Materials

You may wonder what a marketing study program teaches? Is it just learning about everything related to sales?

Just like other fields of science, marketing study programs also have special specializations or areas of expertise that you can choose according to your career goals. Specializations in marketing study programs can be very diverse and different in each university around the world. However, in general, here are the special specializations in marketing study programs that you can choose:

  • Business and Economic Statistics
  • Business Law and Ethics
  • Business strategy
  • Consumer behavior
  • Corporate finance
  • Digital marketing
  • Financial Accounting
  • Management accounting
  • Marketing Management
  • Marketing research
  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Marketing Principles
  • Principles of Microeconomics

These specializations will help you learn more about marketing as a whole and the various aspects of it. From consumer behavior to marketing research, each specialization focuses on a different area of ​​marketing that you can focus on for your career.

In the marketing study program, you will not only learn about how to develop new knowledge and skills, but you will also be directed to see where your interests lie. For example, for those of you who enjoy the digital world and content, you can choose to become a digital marketer who will be tasked with running all marketing activities on various digital channels.

Job Prospects for Marketing Study Program Graduates

A marketing graduate can be said to be one of the graduates  database shop who have very broad job prospects. A business that wants to grow certainly needs a marketer.

In today’s world of countless innovative products, services, and technologies, the role of marketing is essential. Without marketing, a business will not be able to showcase their offerings to attract and retain customers.

database shop

Its vital role enables you to create, challenge, and shape new perspectives through informative, emotional, and empowering messages across all existing marketing channels.

The main fields of work that you  carry out your e-commerce launch can enter include management, marketing research , advertising, public relations, sales and customer relations . This area requires professionals such as product managers, social media marketers, media planners, advertising specialists, marketing managers, copywriters, event managers, web content managers to graphic designers.

Nowadays most marketing is done online, so a  asb directory digital Very interesting, right?

 Programs at Universities that Have Collaborated with Danacita

University of Sampoerna

The curriculum used here is already international standard

Bina Sarana Informatika University (UBSI)

Bina Sarana Informatika University (UBSI) has an advertising study program with B accreditation. In this study program, you will learn about the application of creative advertising strategies. The strategy is carried out through illustration, animation, sketches, advertising topography and visual communication design. With the knowledge you learn here, this will be a provision for creating promotional tools in the form of advertisements in various media (print, electronic and digital).

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