Seen The Results Of Your Seo Efforts Yet


Generally its best to keep your content fresh by adding new pages and blog posts . Regularly this will help keep people coming back to your website and will also provide . Something new to search engines what is an xml settings diagram an xml site map . Is a file that you can input into a search engine that contains all the . Pages on your website this helps them index your site more efficiently and may also . Be useful for generating objects like location links in search results what are bread crisps .

Bread Crisps Are A Navigation Feature That Helps

Bread crisps are a navigation feature that helps users navigate their way around a website . They are usually in the form of a series of links with the current page . Being the final link in the series how can i improve clicks to my website . There telemarketing sms phone number lead are a lot of things you can do to try and improve your site . Including optimizing headers and dashboard reports using rich inserts and making sure your site is . Mobilefriendly what is an abottxt file a robotstxt file is a text file that you .

Input Into Search Engines That Tells Them Which

Input into search engines that tells them which pages on your site you dont want . Them indexed this can be useful if you have duplicate or lowquality pages what is . An htaccess file htaccess files are configuration files that you can use to make changes . 

Have Multiple Versions Of A Page Eg 



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Have multiple versions of a page eg www and nonwww or if your pages are . Very similar what is a 301 transfer a 301 transfer is a permanent how to do sponsored ads on facebook transfer from . One url to another this is useful if you want to change the page url . But not if you dont want to lose any equity links dedicated to it what . Is error 404 error 404 is an error that occurs when a user tries to . Access a page that does not exist this may be due to the reasons such .


To your server this can


be useful for things like diverting traffic ca cell numbers protecting password directories . And blocking ip addresses what is a canon url the canon url is the best . Version of the page you want indexed by search engines this is useful if you .

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