The first step in your Plan of Approach is to make a general outline of the organization. In the situation sketch you can briefly introduce the company. This gives an external party (such as an examiner) a good impression of the company. It is therefore important that this introduction is short and concise. This prevents the reader from losing his concentration.
In the situation sketch you can describe the following points:
Description of the company (e.g. history)
Which departments the company consists of
What products or services the company offers
Make sure you structure your situation sketch. There is no point in describing all the departments laos whatsapp number data of a very large company. Therefore, limit yourself to the departments that you will (in)directly deal with in your research.
Tip from
We know from experience that many (HBO graduates) students and marketers immediately start writing a reason in their research proposal. This is of course good, but we advise against it. First give an external party a short introduction of the company, before you continue to draw up the Plan of Approach.
2. Writing the reason (problem definition)
You are going to conduct the research because there is a reason to do so. Perhaps the company wants to launch a new product, increase sales or expand the customer base. This can be a reason to conduct extensive research.
You do need to make the reason
problem definition more specific. If you only state: the company wants to do research Възможности и предизвикателства в Insurtech за P&C застрахователни агенции because it wants to increase its turnover… that is wrong! In your Plan of Approach you need to clearly state why the company wants to increase its turnover.
Several factors can cz lists play a role here. It is therefore good to ask the client. We therefore always give students, marketers and entrepreneurs the tip; ask the ‘why’ question.