Teleworking in the Call Center Sector in 2024

The 2020 global pandemic exponentially multiplied the number of remote workers in a large number of sectors. Call centers were pioneers in adapting 100% remote work and updating the conditions of their workers to this new situation. Little by little, after years of study and experience, a series of guidelines have been established that all call centers and employees must comply with in relation to remote work .

If you have a call center and you want your employees to work from home in 2024, it is not enough to tell them not to come to the office. As a company, you must comply with a series of requirements established in the third agreement of the sector .

Teleworking regulations in the call center

1) Physical work centers
The first, and one of the most important, focuses on workplaces and their buy telemarketing lead location . In 2024, there must be a physical centre in the province (or in a neighbouring one) from which teleworking takes place. Why? This prevents the worker from having to be forced to telework, no matter what.

If there is no such centre in the province, the employee has the full right to work 100% remotely . The company can never require you to go to the physical office to work.

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2) Internal communication

Employees must now have a corporate email address to be able to hold conversations with the company and unions. In 2024, the use of personal email addresses for this purpose will be prohibited.

3) 100% teleworking, hybrid and deadlines
The deadlines for reversibility (being able to change from remote to in- chine directoryAI CRM в продажбите на застраховки: промяна на играта person) must be at least 20 days for both parties . In addition, the days of in-person work, if any, must be reported up to 3 months in advance.

Hybrid teleworking will require presence 9 days per quarter at the company’s headquarters.

Only 30% of the workforce will be allowed to work 100% remotely . The rest b2c lead may opt for mixed or hybrid teleworking if the company allows it.

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