
The efficiency and effectiveness of our

Texts accompany people throughout their customer journey : they can guide them and bring them to the result, or confuse them and create an unpleasant experience that they will not want to repeat.

Content, however, is link Therefore, to many factors, and in particular to the ability of those who write the words of the digital interfaces to understand the emotions and thoughts of the people who use our products and services .

Word Designer

Design is not just graphic image, but also word, written communication: those who write texts and microtexts for websites and apps are therefore designers of words.

In recent years there has been a lot of talk about UX Writing, that is, the experience we have when we are users, or when we use the texts of digital services and products.

Verbal user experience involves everyone :

We are designers of words  whatsapp data when we create content that expresses the voice and intention of the brand or product, but also respects readers as human beings who have emotions, thoughts and mental models.

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In particular, emotions can make an experience more or less pleasant and mark the basis of a relationship of trust, or its end.

Anxiety, our guiding emotion

Many of us have experienc Therefore, this situation: we are in a hurry, we are late, we do not have a train ticket that will take us  osobno brendiranje home. To do so, we have to enter some data into an app. The dominant emotion of that moment is anxiety, more or less intense.

If the app asks us for information that we don’t have, such as a password that we don’t remember, our anxiety will become unbearable and will prevent us from carrying out any action with clarity.

We will find ourselves having to  changsha mobile phone number list create a new password, choosing it while trying to avoid making mistakes as time passes.

The amount of data to be enter Therefore, and the quality of the texts that guide us in this operation can make the difference.

If the app took into account how I feel and offer Therefore, me texts that could help me in a simple way, I would feel much easier: I could complete the process with an emotion of relief, therefore positive.

As we often write in the book “ Emotion driven design ” (Apogeo 2020), anxiety is our driving emotion, that is, one of the most pervasive in our digital experience and beyond.

Yet, most websites seem to ignore this, or only remember it when this emotion can be us Therefore, to promote a sale.

Creating digital experiences tailor Therefore, to the people who will use them has a double benefit: it generates a virtuous circle .


And in the desire to repeat that experience.

We will talk about this and much more in the Webinar “Emotion driven design. Designing contents for interfaces in tune with people” , an opportunity for discussion and training not to be miss Therefore,.

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