The job of press editor demystified!

Press editor – Definition, missions, skills, profile… let’s take a look at one of the most exciting professions!

A relatively old profession, but still very much in vogue, the press editor remains today an essential pillar of journalism and the world of information. Today we reveal to you the daily life of this professional, his skills as well as the qualities he must have.

A reminder about the job of press editor

Halfway between the functions of a web editor and a freelancer, the work of the press editor, if we rely on the literal translation, is responsible fo phone number library writing an article or a press release . To do this, he will collect information and will then be responsible for writing a dispatch, a report, an interview or an investigation, respecting the editorial line of his newspaper (or the company for which he works). It also happens that this professional interprets or translates writing, comments or information from one language to another.


phone number library

Some writers are able to cover a multitude of subjects. Others, on the other hand, are specialized in a specific theme: travel writer , sports writer , economics writer , cinema writer , health and well-being writer , etc.

Career opportunities

National daily press , regional press , editorial agency , SEO agency , communications agency … The press editor can practice his profession in several organizations, but the web content writing agency is generally more accessible to novices.

As for his professional development, the 5 Self-taught Coding Learning Websites press editor can climb the ladder within his media and have more and more responsibilities: editor-in-chief , deputy editor-in-chief , section head . If he practices his profession in a digital communication company or a web writing agency , he can evolve as a content manager , head of the editorial department , web SEO , etc.

Skills to have to become a press editor

The press editor is required to develop in many areas of journalism and the web. Impeccable mastery of the French language , ease in word processing software , ability to summarize , definition of an editorial line , targeting of the audience … these are all qualities to have to succeed in this profession.

The job of press editor also requires a good general knowlge . And for good reason, he will be requirto work on various subjects and themes, whether in a press agency or a web writing company .

Other qualities not to forget if youtube user you want to succe in press writing:

  • Be a seeker of trends and reliable sources
  • Carry out personal monitoring
  • Have knowlge of web and marketing tools
  • Have great spe of thought
  • Be versatile
  • Have good creativity

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