
The saying you’ve heard a million times

Innovation requires communication, collaboration, and the freedom to create. 5. Leadership, willingness to evolve and improve Leadership can take many forms, but if you want your organization to transform, change must always be supported and promoted from the top.  is true, as a manager you have to lead by example. In fact, an article published in Forbes last year found that most initiatives fail when company management is not involved. Because technology moves quickly, there is no time to wait. While technology may seem like the perfect plan, take your time to carefully consider all of your options.

Think differently and inspire others in your

Company to do the same. Don’t get carried away by the wave of digital transformation: ride it. In this way, the language you use internally within your organization with your employees and how you translate it externally to your customers can have a big impact on how you conduct your business and the results you can achieve. New call to action 6. Culture of change The last five pillars can be summed up in a single concept, that of culture. Digital transformation cannot happen without the right corporate culture.

We need to create an environment

Where employee and customer experiences reign supreme, where change is planned and innovation is at the forefront. In this regard, Marc Carrel-Billiard, R&D Manager for Digital Transformation at Accenture, states that: “Finding ways to help people overcome the digital divide and the culture shock that rapid change brings will be as  whatsapp data important as the technology we use to get there.” These six pillars are the backbone of a successful digital transformation project. Focusing on these points in addition to proper technology implementation will help your company outperform the competition and avoid unpleasant times.

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According to the MIT Center for Digital Business:

Companies that have embraced digital transformation are on average 26% more profitable than their peers and enjoy a 12% higher market valuation.” The benefits of digital transformation To remain competitive, it is essential for companies to osobno brendiranje  embrace the new scenario proposed by the digital world but many think that it is too late to begin such an important transition.

A study conducted by IDC in collaboration with

SAP has shown that 4 out of 5 companies have tangible benefits from developing a digital transformation process. The benefits of agb directory  digitalization for companies are diverse in terms of competitiveness, and more specifically in terms of: Improving the . Customer . Experience . The obsession . With new technologies. Social media and apps is caused by the need of users to have a simpler life.

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