There are many, but they all work according to certain rules


 There are many, but they all work according to certain rules. The size of the story. The shorter the better: if we stretch out the story, the listener gets tirand loses attention. If we are talking about text, divide the text into paragraphs and subheadings. Text structure: introduction, main part, logical conclusion. This will make it easier for the reader to compare what is happening in the story. Unusual and unexpectmoments. Thanks to them, a person gets emotions: shock, surprise, joy, relief. A story that evokes a response is etchin memory. The most popular storytelling templates are the three-step formula and the Dale Carnegie formula. Three-step formula Introduction – introducing the characters and setting; Confrontation is a definition of a problem that hides the reader’s pain; Problem solving.


 In a story with such a scenario, the consumer will see himself


Remember his pains and try the solution on saudi arabia phone number library his situation. This can convince the subscriber to buy the product. Dale Carnegie formula An incident is a supposedly real situation that occurred, a plausible example from life; Actions are the solution to a problem or its prevention; Benefit – what benefit the hero will receive from the decision. In  There are many, but they all work according to certain rules the three-step method, the author focuses on the problem, and in the Carnegie method, on the action and benefit of the solution. Marketing Read also: Test: Do you use all the possibilities of VK for business? How to Sell Storytelling The main goal of storytelling is to interest the reader and sell the product.

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 To do this, you neto gain the buyer’s trust.

The consumer will be interestin listening to himself and imagining himself in this situation. The difference between storytelling and already banal advertising is in adapt to these changes balance timeliness with the images that arise in the mind. If a person thinks about the situation, it means that the storytelling is thought out correctly. The reader will not necessarily remember the story, but if he sees a product that was advertiswith storytelling, he will certainly buy it. The same situation with bloggers and companies in social networks. If a person did not subscribe cg leads immediately after hearing or reading the storytelling, then he will do it when he sees this profile in the feed.


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