
Top attractions in London

Want to visit London? Discover the main attractions to see during a weekend in the English capital.

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey was built on an old germany phone number library island, Thorney Island. Every pillar of this abbey stands on the ground where those who built and defend Great Britain rest. This monument represents a stunning example of Gothic style. Today this abbey is very important because it is one of the first attractions of the city, and still enjoys the prestige of being the place where the coronations of the royal family in England took place.

Buckingham Palace

phone number library

Buckingham Palace in London is known for being the official residence of the Queen, as well as the seat of the monarchy. It is locat in Saint James Park, in the Westminster district. Near the palace is Victoria station, to the south. On the opposite side is Green Park and Hyde Park Corner, the two most famous and beautiful parks in London. Among the reasons to visit this palace is certainly the changing of the guard, an event that takes place every other day, during the morning.

St Paul’s Cathral

St Paul’s Cathral was design by the architect Sir Christopher Wren. This cathral is an architectural masterpiece characteriz by can sometimes lead to misinterpretation potentially causing extraordinary elegance. Its dome is one of the most famous and largest in the world, precisely the third in the world, with about 111 meters high. Many times, in this cathral, important national events have taken place such as the funeral of Lord Nelson, Sir Winston Churchill. Inside this cathral Prince Charles marri Lady Diana Spencer.

Tower of London

The Tower of London is also call the ca cell numbers heart of London. The foundations of the building are 900 years old and each brick bears witness to a part of history. This place is a popular tourist attraction and built by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. The Tower of London has been consider as a fortress, a palace and a prison at the same time.

British Museum

Visiting the British Museum should not be a bad idea if you want to travel through time and space. You will have the opportunity to learn about the most beautiful civilizations from around the world. The museum was built in the 17th century by Sir Hans Sloane, allowing people to see his private collection and the large amount of objects he owned, worth 20,000 pounds. However, the first gallery of the exhibition, which took place at the museum was inaugurated in Montagu House, 1759.

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Category : Curiosities, Tourism
Tags : england, london, Monuments, Tourism, visit london, weekend london
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