Understanding Black Hat SEO

The technique of increasing the ranking of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of a website is indeed easy and difficult. The changing and unpredictable search engine algorithms make website managers have their own challenges in increasing their ranking . Black hat SEO is one of the techniques they use to increase their website ranking in search engines.

In the world of SEO, there are a pair of opposing terms that are website optimization techniques in search engines, namely black hat SEO and white hat SEO. Both terms come from western cowboy-themed films, where black hat is the bad guy with his black hat, while white hat is the guy with a white hat with a good character. Black hat and white hat also have the same meaning in the world of SEO and we need to know the differences and characteristics of both, so that we do not apply the wrong website optimization techniques.

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List of contents

Black Hat SEO Techniques
1. Keyword Stuffing
2. Meta Keyword Stuffing
3. Link Farming
4. Hidden Texts
6. Publishing Bad Content
7. Blog Comment Spam
8. PBN (Private Blog Networks)
9. Rich Snippets Abuse
10. Hidden Text and Links
Examples of Brands Using Black Hat SEO
1. JC Penney
2. Google Chrome
3. Forbes

Why Should You Avoid Black SEO?

Understanding White Hat SEO
White Hat SEO Techniques
1. Content that is Relevant to Keywords
2. Organic Inbound Links
3. Prioritize Visitor Comfort
4. Simple Website Navigation
5. Fast website loading time
Why Should You Use White Hat SEO?
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Understanding Black Hat SEO
Black hat SEO is a technique to increase website malta phone number library ranking in search engines by various methods that violate the terms of service of the search engine. In essence, black hat SEO manipulates search engine algorithms so that our website gets a good ranking , despite the fact that our content is not very interesting. In fact, the goal of search engines is to provide results in the form of relevant website content and in accordance with the keywords searched by its users.

Menerapkan beberapa teknik black hat SEO memang menguntungkan di awal, apalagi tidak membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk menggunakannya, tetapi akan berakibat buruk dalam jangka panjang. Ujung-ujungnya, reputasi brand Anda dipertaruhkan akibat teknik optimasi yang salah ini. Selain itu, pengunjung website Anda bisa jadi tidak mempercayai layanan yang ditawarkan oleh situs Anda.

Baca Juga: 7 Teknik Link Black Hat SEO

Teknik Black Hat SEO
Berikut ini adalah teknik black hat SEO yang paling umum digunakan.

1. Keyword Stuffing
Taktik keyword stuffing adalah mengulangi kata kunci utama yang digunakan dalam website berkali-kali secara berlebihan. Teknik pengulangannya sering disalahgunakan, membuat artikel yang dibaca terkesan tidak natural dan keluar dari konteksnya. Alhasil, artikel jadi penuh dengan kata kunci yang tidak perlu dan tidak nyaman dibaca.

Strategi keyword stuffing ini sebenarnya melanggar ketentuan keyword density mesin pencari, di mana keyword density yang disarankan adalah 1-2%. Teknik ini membuat mesin pencari mengira bahwa website tersebut adalah spam dan menurunkan tingkat visibilitasnya.

2. Meta Keyword Stuffing
Tak hanya di isi artikel, keyword stuffing juga bisa dilakukan di bagian meta description, judul atau anchor text untuk backlink. Cara ini memang mudah dilakukan, tapi akan memperburuk hasil pemeringkatan website kita di mesin pencari. Menggunakan keyword yang tidak relevan dengan isi artikel website juga termasuk ke dalam meta keyword stuffing. Padahal, orang yang mencari kata kunci di search engine pastinya ingin hasil yang relevan dan menjawab kebutuhan mereka.

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3. Link Farming
Link farming merupakan taktik black hat SEO dengan cara mengumpulkan tautan (link) website yang tidak relevan dengan situs kita. Biasanya, metode link farming menghubungkan website kita dengan website lainnya dengan persetujuan kedua belah pihak. Teknik link farming ini dianggap merugikan apabila kita menaruh link yang berlebihan dalam satu webpage. Apalagi bila link tidak relevan tersebut diklik oleh pengunjung, alhasil mereka akan merasa waktu mereka terbuang secara percuma karena melihat hasil yang tidak perlu.

Baca Juga: Jangan Sampai Terjebak dengan 6 Kesalahan SEO

4. Hidden Texts

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This technique hides some text by disguising its color with the background color of our website page . This tactic is black hat SEO because we hide some extra words that are not needed, especially keywords. This hidden text is a manipulative optimization tactic, if detected by a sophisticated search engine algorithm, it can result in a decrease in website ranking .

6. Publishing Bad Content
Unknowingly, publishing bad content is a black hat SEO tactic. This technique is often done by creating fake content or even copying content from other sites. Initially, this technique could not be detected by search engines, but search engine algorithms are getting more sophisticated day by day. Google for example, its algorithm can find plagiarized content and low-quality content, which ultimately makes the website’s ranking decrease.

7. Blog Comment Spam

Comment spam technique is a method to install seo costs how much does google positioning cost backlinks from external sites to someone else’s site by filling in the comments column. The purpose of this technique is to increase visitor traffic and backlinks without the need for SEO optimization that requires further effort.

In Indonesia, this method is one of the most commonly used. There are several tools available to automate the comment spam process on various internet sites. Generally, the perpetrators look for blogs that do not have filters for comment quality, allowing them to leave any comments on the posts on the blog.

8. PBN (Private Blog Networks)
Private Blog Networks (PBNs) are groups of ca cell numbers websites that exist solely to provide backlinks to a main website and increase its search visibility. This practice is similar to link farms , but PBNs focus on driving traffic to a single website, while link farms contain many links to different websites. PBNs are created to artificially increase the authority of a main website in the eyes of search engines, but they violate Google’s Webmaster Quality Guidelines and can result in penalties.

9. Rich Snippets Abuse

The use of rich snippets allows site owners to change the way their site appears on SERPs. Adding rich snippets can increase trust in a site and attract visitors to access it.

However, there are those who use rich snippets to display inaccurate information. For example, a restaurant site ‘X’ uses rich snippets to display a 5-star rating on SERP, but when accessed, the site only contains articles about the menu without reviews from visitors.

Abuse of rich snippets can also include displaying fake photos or names on SERPs, which is an attempt to falsify information. Search engines like Google encourage users to report sites that display such false information.

10. Hidden Text and Links
The use of hidden text and links is a practice carried out by black hat SEO practitioners by matching the color of the text with its background. They can also reduce the transparency of the color and reduce the size of the font so that it is not clearly visible.

The purpose of this technique is to increase the ranking of web pages and manipulate search engines by adding desired keywords even though they do not match the actual content.

Examples of Brands Using Black Hat SEO
This black hat SEO method seeks ways to get high positions on search engines by “gaming” Google’s algorithm. Here are examples of brands that use black hat SEO:

1. JC P enney

One of the major retailers in the department store industry, JC Penney, was ranking quite well for terms like “comforter set.” However, an inspection revealed that thousands of websites were hyperlinking to JC Penney’s website with anchor text. Examples include websites for photographers, piano tutors, car tuners, and more. As a result, almost all of the terms that were previously on the first page of Google search were moved to the 7th web page.

2. Google Chrome
Unexpectedly, Google Chrome received criticism from Google itself. This is because when running ads for Google Chrome, they included a “dofollow” link in their posts. Google Chrome, which previously ranked at the top for the term “browser”, now appears on page 5 or is ranked 50 on Google as a result of this penalty. This penalty is effective for about 60 days.

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