What is Google Trends what is it for and how can you use it in Marketing?

The philosopher Heraclitus said 2,500 years ago that “the only constant is change .” A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then, but I can tell you that Heraclitus would be using Google Trends today , if he were still with us. Because this tool is based precisely on that, on change, on trends. In short: on what is brewing.

Knowing what Google Trends is and what it’s used for is interesting for everyone. But if you’re dedicated to digital marketing in general or to content and SEO in particular, this platform is going to be a fantastic source of ideas and opportunities to find keywords with potential. Let’s see!

In this post you will find Show

Google Trends is a free tool designed to analyze different keyword trends in user searches.

This tool provides us with data on the evolution of popularity over time of certain keywords in queries made by users. In addition, it allows us to narrow down this data according to the time, geographic area and type of search we choose.

On its own, it offers invaluable data when it comes to optimizing our internet marketing strategies, which is extremely useful.

But its true potential is appreciated not only on its own, but when we combine the data that this tool provides with other strategies.

That is why I invite you to continue reading and discover what Google Trends is for and how it works .

We will begin by learning how it works and how it works as an interface, but we will also see how to carry out some of the actions that can help us the most in our digital marketing strategy.

What is Google Trends for in marketing?

Google Trends is a powerful tool for digital marketing professionals.It allows us to understand user search trends on Google, providing valuable insights for content strategies, SEO, and advertising campaigns.

1. Identifying search trends
Trends allows you to visualize search trends over time, helping you identify which topics are generating interest among users. This is crucial to tailoring your content and marketing strategies to what’s on the minds of your target audience.

2. Discovery of potential keywords
Find new keywords related to your industry that are starting to gain popularity. Using these keywords in your content can improve your SEO and drive relevant traffic to your website.

It’s true that you can bet on a keyword that is trending at one point, but then disappears. For example, Clubhouse had its boom moment, and then it was never heard from again.

Even though newsmakers at the time were able to attract traffic to their website thanks to this trend, Google Trends is a great ally of newsjacking in this regard .

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It may also happen that the word will stick.

Trends helps you understand the seasonal patterns of certain products or services. With this information, you can plan your marketing campaigns in advance, adjusting your efforts with search peaks.

The tool allows you to compare multiple search terms to see which one has the most interest. This is especially useful when you are deciding between different content topics or keywords.

5. Identification of market niches
Explore and discover emerging or under-tapped market niches. By identifying these areas, you can target a specific audience that may not be being served by your competition.

Optimization of advertising campaigns

By understanding what topics are trending and what your target audience’s interests are, you can create more effective and better-targeted advertising google ads high conversion with low budget campaigns. This can increase your ROI by ensuring the right message reaches the right audience at the right time.

7. Improve your content strategy
Trends gives you insights into current topics of interest. Using this data, you can generate content that resonates with your audience.

8. Monitoring your brand and the competition
Looking at search trends related to your competitors can give you insight into their popularity and what strategies they might be using.

Google Trends gives us the ability to make data-driven decisions, adapt our strategies to market dynamics, and anticipate the needs and desires of our target audience.

How does Google Trends work?

When we access the Google Trends tool, the first thing we see is a panel made up of different modules.

Let’s first look at the information that canada email lead each one gives us and the usefulness it offers us.

Main screen
When we access Google Trends Spain through its URL www.google.es/trends we find a screen like this.

And a drop-down menu with the countries whose trends you can learn about.
A little further down you will see a search engine. Here you can type in a keyword or key phrase and find out how popular it is.

On the other hand, the trends team creates content by themes or events, such as, for example, the year 2023 in searches. Here you will know that in Spain ChatGPT was the most popular search in the news section , Shakira in the music section .

Current Google Trends trends

In this column, Google Trends shows us a summary of what is most searched for on the Internet at the moment. And when I say “at the moment,” I mean today.

These trends are divided into two modules: one that shows daily search trends and another that shows real-time searches.

In the first section you can see the twenty most searches carried out up to that moment of the day.

If you click on the drop-down menu, you will see the number of queries, as well as related queries and news.

Imagine that the keyword is of interest to you.

Or, if you prefer, you can add the site to your RSS feed.
Real-time searches
Featured searches from the last 24 hours appear here, and if you click on the trend drop-down, you will again see related queries and news.You can also select them by category: science, sports, business, leisure, etc.

Annual Trends Roundup

You can access it from the main menu or from the hamburger menu. Here is one of the contents I mentioned earlier: the compilation of trends by year.

Every year, Google compiles a series of lists that compile the most popular types of queries.

This section contains lists of the most searched terms by users and lists of the terms that were trending (that grew the most) during that year.

Obviously, these lists vary from year to year, just as search engine users’ queries vary.

Here you will find a drop-down menu to take a look back in time. Well, actually, the last five years.

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