What is the best time to post on Instagram? At what times should I upload my photos?

Do you know for sure what the best time is to post on Instagram for your personal or business account? If you’ve never asked yourself this question, perhaps you should start asking yourself it right now, given the importance it is taking as one of the most used social networks in the world.

In fact, this is one of the most common questions that my students and clients usually ask me when they ask me for help to improve their own strategies or their Social Media plan . And this is precisely the topic I am here to talk to you about today.

That’s why I want to analyze together 2 different statistical studies on the best times to post on Instagram, as well as share my personal experience on these interesting data. Shall we begin?

In this post you will find Show

Well, it’s time to clarify which are the most important hours according to my experience in these matters.

The first thing we will do, to see what time is estimated that Instagram users will give greater priority or “visibility” to our posts, is to divide the day into 3-hour slots. Based on this, we have 8 slots throughout the day.

If we rule out midnight to around 6am, as it’s unlikely anyone will be awake or checking their Instagram, if most of your followers are from your country or time zone, that still leaves us with 6 time slots.

And of these, if we use common sense, there are 2 bands in particular that should be highlighted.

Based on my experience, we could say that, broadly speaking, the best times to post on Instagram are between 9 am and 1 pm in the morning and between 6 pm and 9 pm in the evening.

These recommendations are general and do not matter which country you are in. However, keep in mind that each region of the world has some particularities that can make these periods or time periods vary.

Why do I recommend these two time slots in particular?

Well, it’s very simple. Most people, especially those of us who have a work schedule or professional routine during the week, usually wake up between 7 and 9 in the morning to get ready and start our day.

From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
During those morning hours, the first thing we usually do is wash up, have breakfast and organize our day. Then, a little while later, we sit down to check our social networks, including Instagram.

What this does is make that interval between 9am and 1pm the perfect time to capture the majority of your audience checking their feed.

From 6 to 9 pm
On the other hand, after 6:00 p.m. , most people are returning after their work day or will already be at home, but more free.

And it is almost certain that one of the fixed activities during this time slot (from 6 to 9 pm) is checking the mobile phone and its notifications.

This review of the networks is carried out mainly during the week, when most people tend to have a well-defined routine in their mind to end the day.

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During the rest of the day, especially during the week,

i would like to highlight sunday evenings. Between 7 and 10 pm . Although it is not highlighted in studies. This is usually a time when many of us dedicate ourselves to sharing. What we have been doing during the weekend with our families and friends.

This idea, in a more general way and extrapolated to. Other platforms, may be shown to you in another complete guide on. The best times to post on social networks.”

but now, let’s look at and analyze together 2 statistical. Studies carried out by social media tools. On the days and hours of greatest interaction on instagram.

What is the best time to upload a photo to Instagram according to Metricool?
Now, as another piece of information, I would like us to see together a study on accounts of this social network carried out on Metricool users.

And, as there is not always an absolute truth in these matters, you can also compare more data thanks to an analysis of the activity of various users on-site seo of the tool, to find out which are the best times to publish in Spain and Latin America mainly.

The best times to upload photos to Instagram

The best times to post on this platform throughout the week are usually between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Although, on Fridays, the times between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. are also popular .

Based on this data, you can get an idea that, if you want to reach the largest possible audience, it would be best to take advantage of the hours when they spend the most time on their networks, that is, during the afternoon and evening.

What are the best days to post on Instagram and which are the worst?
You already know the best times to post on Instagram, but what are the busiest days?

To answer this question, in its study, Metricool canada email lead has also carried out an analysis of the best days to upload content to this visual platform.

According to thousands of accounts analyzed, which use this tool to manage their strategies, we can discover that the best days are Sundays (by far), Fridays and Wednesdays, in that order .

In case you’re interested in knowing, the data reveals that the worst day is Saturday . Although there is also a slight drop in user activity on Mondays and Thursdays, but if you are a daily poster, you don’t have to stop doing so during these two days.

Best days to post on Instagram according to Metricool

The best and worst days and times to upload photos to Instagram according to SproutSocial
According to a study conducted by SproutSocial on engagement on Instagram (with slightly different results than the previous ones), the best days to upload photos are Wednesdays and Fridays. And the best times to post are always between ten and twelve in the morning.

The worst days: weekends

and in particular, we can see that on Sunday there is a decrease in activity (unlike the previous Metricool study, which shows it as the best).
On the other hand, the worst days are Saturday and, mainly, Sunday. At the weekend we can see a very pronounced drop in interactions.As can be seen here, unlike the previous study, they deduce that Sunday is a day when people tend to disconnect and dedicate their time to leisure or family activities.

These studies are indicative and give you clues as to where you can start.

However, to be completely right, you have to analyze your own data, either through external tools or the information provided by Instagram itself, as we will see later.

Tips for posting on Instagram at the best times for my strategy
Let me give you some useful tips that you can use to make the most of the best times to post on your own account:

1st Weekdays are your friends, take advantage of them
I was telling you a little earlier about people’s “routine.”

Well, this is something important, since many people, during weekdays or workdays, usually have a fixed routine to follow.

This includes getting up at a certain time, getting ready, going to work, having lunch, and so on.

When people’s minds are “in a routine” it is more likely to predict their behavior, and this includes the time they spend checking social media.

With that said, a person is more likely to check their networks at certain times during the workday , when they are going about their routine.

Take advantage of this and publish your strong content during these days.

Yes, these are the days when people have more free time, but that is precisely why they do not spend as much time on social networks. It is not the rule, but it is most likely.

During these days off, people usually go out, walk, entertain themselves outside the home or inside by watching movies or playing games.

Whatever the case, they will spend less time on their phone, or they will not have the same behavior as always.

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