What is the purpose of conducting a

Competitive analysis allows a business to determine the potential advantages and barriers present in a target market, around a particular product or service. This analysis generally allows brands to monitor how direct and indirect competitors deploy their marketing, pricing and distribution strategies.


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What does a competitive analysis look like?

Your competitive analysis can vary greatly depending on what you want to find out about your competitors. You can conduct a competitive analysis focused on a specific aspect of your competitors’ business, such as their website, or you can conduct an in-depth study of their marketing approach as a whole.

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While there are many ways to structure a competitive analysis, there are certain data that come up frequently in this type of research.


If you are conducting a comprehensive competitor analysis, be sure to include the following key elements in your analysis:


Who are their target customers?

What is the added value of their companies and frequently asked questions about competitor price monitoring products, or what is their main differentiating factor?

How do they handle shipping ?

Have they received funding or brought in investors?

These questions will give you an overview of what differentiates these companies from each other. And how they seek to differentiate themselves from their own competition within their market.


If you want to look at more specific aspects agb directory of your competitors’ approaches, you can include the following sections in your competitive analysis:


Features of competitors’ websites (search tools, product images, design and layout, etc.).

Customer experience components (payment process, customer service, mobile UX, etc.)

Content writing strategy ( product descriptions , calls to action , etc.)

Social media strategy (channels used, frequency of publication, engagement, etc.)

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