contact name: Wolf Shlagman
contact job function details: entrepreneurship
contact job function: Founder
contact job title: Chief Angel
contact job seniority: chief angel founder ceo
contact person city: founder
contact person state: Fort Lauderdale
contact person country: Florida
contact person zip code: United States
business name:
business domain: Care Angel
business facebook URL: (800) 778-7879
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
list of romania cell phone number
business angellist:
business found year:
business city: 2014
business zip code: Miami Beach
business state:
business country: Florida
business language: 7
business employee: United States
business category: English
business specialty: health, wellness & fitness
business technology: health, wellness and fitness
there are several factors that make
business description: cloudflare_dns,gmail,google_apps,cloudflare_hosting,hubspot,react_js_library,mailchimp,cloudflare,google_maps,nginx,wordpress_org,bootstrap_framework,youtube,wistia,mobile_friendly,google_analytics,google_font_api