
Writing a Commercial Economics thesis

You are in the final year of the Commercial Economics program. This means that you have to write a thesis. This is the last stumbling block to your final diploma. You will carry out your graduation assignment within a company. A Commercial Economics thesis can consist of the following components:

Conducting market research
Providing strategic advice
Creating a strategic marketing plan
When writing your thesis, you should take into account the educational requirements. For example, the graduation assignment of the Commercial Economics program must be delimited and specific. You should also use various research methods and marketing models .

There are various requirements that

your thesis must meet. Each school has different rules for this. It is therefore important that you find out about this before you look for an internship. For example, the Hogeschool van Amsterdam has a handy document that contains everything about graduating.

The HvA wrote this document to provide guidance on the requirements for your israel whatsapp number data thesis. Examiners also use this document to assess your thesis. It is therefore important that you adhere to it. After all, it states what is expected of you.

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the company must benefit from your research (see 4 golden tips here)
the problem may not have been investigated before.
the company must have a physical workplace.
the subject of your thesis must be related to marketing and/or sales.
often all subjects from years 1 and 2 must be completed with a pass (all credits)

You may not formulate a main question to which

the answer is already known (multiple solutions are possible).
Your supervisor Дълбоко потапяне в тенденциите в P&C застрахователната индустрия must have sufficient experience (and time) to guide you at a high-quality higher professional education level.

A Commercial Economics thesis should actually be a win-win situation. For both the company and the student. You can conduct good research if there cz lists really is a problem within a company. This way, the organization actually benefits from your marketing plan.

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