Address decision makers directly in the company

With the success  has achiev in recent years, it is natural that  Ads are widely us today. “The world’s largest professional network” has in fact decid to invest heavily in this aspect.

At the end of 2012, it launch the Italian version of the Ads section . A few months later, it sent out many coupons (about €40 each) to companies and professionals, as an incentive to try out the service.

Whether you operate in B2B or B2C, can be a really powerful platform

In fact, it allows you to:

  • Excellently profile the target
  • Get a much higher conversion rate than other social networks

According to a Hubspot study, conduct by taking into consideration more than 5000 cases, LinkIn converts 227% more than its competitors Facebook and Twitter.

LinkIn ‘s new PPC payment model lets you choose your daily budget and pay bas on the number of views from candidates.

Linkin suggests the ideal investment for your recruiting campaign , with a forecast of the number of relat applications.

It does not accept daily budgets lower  whatsapp data than the minimum threshold calculat and gives you the possibility to take your ad offline at any time.

Video ads also seem to be one of the most promising

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PPC trends for 2021 (we have already discuss this in another content: Video marketing in the new digital era of post COVID-19) .

Highly attractive, YouTube ads, Facebook ads, and Instagram Stories will continue to dominate the scene over the next year.

Video ads cover the majority of social mia  agb directory  marketing today, making them of great importance to marketers.

Then there is visual search . This  16 suurepärast (ja mitte nii suurepärast) tänulehe näidet, millest õppida works by using an image as a search query instead of text.

People want results faster than ever, and visual search gives them exactly that. Entering an image of a bouquet of white flowers on a blue background is faster than typing something like “bouquet of white flowers on a blue background.”

Want to understand how PPC and SEO integration can help your brand reputation?

Download the guide and follow our suggestions to implement a strong and competitive marketing strategy on the market.


Refine your advertising message

How you articulate your advertising message will be extremely important in 2021.  You will ne to strive to write truly creative and effective ads. 

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