A simple formula to create better ads than

When I started with Facebook ads, I had a significant competitive advantage . I had access to any type of professional-quality photo at no cost. A couple of months ago, Facebook gave any advertiser who wanted to launch a campaign access to an image bank. What happened? banner sail Everyone has access to amazing photos at zero cost. This improvement has been a real pain for the vast majority for me, well you can imagine.


What used to be an advantage is now a disadvantage because

the ads look more and more alike. The differentiating factor has disappeared. What to do? The answer is: start from scratch. If everyone is now using the same type of photos to launch their campaigns, I will have to do something to differentiate myself and stand out. The solution is simple and complicated at the same time. Make use of your own photos and create custom designs . It sounds good, but the problem is that few of us are designers, and even fewer are talented. Don’t worry. There is a solution to this problem. Create custom banner designs with Canva

You may have already heard about the

Canva tool . Those who move in the world of online marketing will have already come across it more than once. Many will probably have used it at some point. Apart from being able to use the templates for social media headers, e-book covers , cards, etc italy whatsapp number data it also offers you the possibility of creating banners for Facebook Ads . This option is not necessarily new, but I have only recently started using it more. When everyone else is doing the same thing, it is essential to take a step back to stand out. I have returned to using my own photos, even though they may.


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be as perfect as those of the photographer

In a world where perfection becomes the standard, imperfection is the new beauty . Obviously, it’s not about doing things in a shabby way, but with love key factors that help increase your store’s conversion Below you can see a banner created with Canva based on the standard template. Now, be careful. If everyone starts using the same template in Canva.

I obviously have to work a little harder

banner Banner created with a Canva template for Facebook Ads Ad writing and segmentation The perfect ad doesn’t exist, but let’s just let ourselves bulk lead dream about it for a few minutes. If we wanted to create one, we would also have to give importance to the text and segmentation. The best ad in the world won’t get the attention it deserves if it’s directed at the wrong target audience (which is the same as disinterested because they don’t care about what you offer). When writing, you have to take into account these 7 emotional reasons .


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